Aligning the mission of The South Park Communities of Shalom with that of Mission 911, we request financial resources for Project Lucia. Based at 911 Park Street, Project Lucia will provide dental services for the neighborhood. Our goal is to help the indigent, working poor and homeless families in need of dental care.  State resources such as Medicaid rarely provide resources for dental care, leaving this population without the opportunity for preventative care leading to serious and painful decay and loss of teeth.  In response to this gap in services, dental services would be provided by well-respected dentist and member of First United Methodist Church, Dr. Bill Whiteside, who is volunteering his time. Some of the dental equipment such as dental tools, x-ray machine, and a dental chair has been donated. The hours of operations will be approximately 10 hours a week with the primary goal to help the clients get the necessary preventative care and education about their oral hygiene that they might not be able to afford.

Funding from the Howell foundation will be used for additional dental equipment needed by Dr. Whiteside and his volunteers to enhance the dentistry program. Funding this request will also provide a part time dental hygienist to assist the volunteer dentists in the provision of the dental care. In addition, we request supplies to improve the dental office including flooring, paint and other small minor repairs to make the dental facility more comfortable for the patients. We believe this service will improve their self esteem and will bring a forgotten smile to their new found life.

Working with other community partners such as the Southside Rotary Club and WorkSource of the Coastal Bend and other resources, South Bluff Community of Shalom and Mission 911 have created a strong collaboration in our efforts to meet the needs of the neighborhood.  Grant funding through the Howell Foundation will be used to continue this work and help our neighbors receive services they have identified as necessary to improve their lives and well-being.