15th Annual Golf Tournament – Dec 2nd
2022 Mission 911 Golf Tournament
Sponsored by Baseload
Mission 911 is hosting our annual golf tournament being held at Gabe Lozano Golf Course on December 2, 2022
Mission 911 Golf Tournament
We would like to invite you to join us in supporting Mission 911 and helping sponsor the 15th annual Chipping Away at Homelessness Golf Tournament.
This year Mission 911 would like to improve our community in mind, body and soul. We serve the Coastal Bend area in providing much needed help in health, shelter, spiritual needs, and refer jobs for those that are struggling in our community. Together we can make a difference in this community with your support. In today’s economy I think it’s great that organizations are collaborating in making a stronger community. If you would like more information about Mission 911 please go to this website ccmission911.org. I’m asking for your financial support to Mission 911 in giving hope to homeless and those struggling in poverty in our great community.
This year’s golf tournament will take place on Friday, December 2nd at the Corpus Christi Gabe Lozano Golf Course. This is an exciting and challenging golf course. Come experience this tournament with breakfast and lunch; registration starts at 10:30 and tee-off at noon. Golf awards ceremonies following the tournament.
Below is a package that includes sponsorship opportunities and a commitment form. I hope that as community leaders we can support this important event. By participating as a sponsor, you can make the difference in the lives of men, women, and children. We look forward to seeing you in December and making this year’s tournament a record success!
Tony Reyes
Mission 911
DOWNLOAD the Golf Registration Form and print (PDF)
Photos from our 2021 tournament